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'Following the Fire'
Last update 5th September 2024

A selection of monochrome works in mixed media, using sculpture, photography, drawing, texts and painting, currently in development. 2024.

In 2022 a wildfire swept through beloved woodland close to my village. That year, more than 75,000 French hectares were consumed in flames and wildfires rampaged in 26 European countries. Change is inevitable but we often resist it. Resistance expresses in us as fear: fear of the loss of solid presence in a stable environment. Change manifests with disruptive, violent chaos or in gentle patterns we think we comprehend and can assimilate. But a sense of identity and connection begin to disintegrate in the spaces in between dramatic events. Familiar forms lose their clarity, edges blur, fine dust obscures. Resistance in the environment manifests in adaptation and the supple use of newly created space.  Evolving ideas transcend the original drama of the wildfire, growing more profound for me and resonating ever more widely as I work. In this overfilled, noisy, modern environment many of us live in, absence intrigues and is hugely creative.



J E S S I C A   L A N G T O N


arts visuels

affiliation à la Maison Des Artistes, depuis 2005

& direction créative et artistique

No. siret 388 474 751 000 20

Gallargues Le Montueux, France.


office and studio tel : + 33 4 66 35 57 96

Slide show of commissioned work for Ocean Two, Miami, USA.
Successfully completed February 2024. New photos received September 2024
"from an artist in the south of France"

Join me on this "Vlog of discovery"! 

Covering lifestyle,  history, creativity, symbolism and how inspiration becomes artwork in the studio. Follow international visual artist, and creative director Jessica Langton as she gives you

glimpses into the special world of living and working as a creative person

in Occitanie, Mediterranean France. Latest out first up. New posts regularly on vimeo.

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© 2024 all artworks, texts, images and photographs

Jessica Langton

click on a slideshow to move to an enlarged manual version, 

so you can take your time to look at each image and read the text.

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