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Artworks on the theme of cultivation & growth, the 'cultiver collection'

'Cultiver' Collection

September October 2021

Working on a new series "Meadowsweet."

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'Meadowsweet One', completed this summer

and currently for sale from the studio

138 cm h x 204 cm w

mixed media on canvas


'Meadowsweet Two'

138 h x 204 width, mixed media on canvas

in progress

Autumn 2021

'Meadowsweet Studies'

small works in mixed media

April 2020, Video and photographs :

'The Making of'


Painting during the 'confinement'  in France.

Following a painting in progress...

This picture from the 1st days of the lockdown...

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'Seedling composition',


190 cm x 200 cm approx

mixed media on canvas.

For sale from the studio.

Autumn 2021


sketching and photographing in the field,

showing in the  new 'open studio' show, this December.

The historic and mythological trees of the south of France, from the cedar woods, the plane avenues, the olive groves and the fruit orchards are also deeply ingrained in my personal history and sense of well-being.

Each tree tells an inspiring Mediterranean story. 

My village perches atop the first foothills of the ‘arrière-pays’ or hinterlands of the Mediterranean. Whether in the forms created by its cultivation, by the careful pruning of fruit orchards or in the rhythmic repetition of lines through a vineyard in winter, this landscape that surrounds me influences and inspires me endlessly. Each change of season brings new meaning, a new symbolism. The emergence of an almost-symmetry through the drawing of a tree with my arms fully extended, helped turn my paintings in the ‘Orchard’ series into ‘body maps’ rooted, growing and stretching skyward. The stems of grass, reeds, vines, dissecting the receding horizons, all form a mesh, like woven cloth or perhaps they look like notes written in music. This is ‘Big Sky Country’, filling me with a sense of hope and unknown potentials. These works in the series ‘Fields & Horizons’ also speak of how the flow of life is cut and crossed by random events and extraordinary experiences.


Le terroir de mon village, au pied des premières collines de l'arrière-pays. Que ce soit dans les formes créées par sa culture, par la taille soignée des vergers fruitiers, ou dans la répétition rythmique des lignes à travers un vignoble en hiver, ce paysage qui m'entoure m'influence et m'inspire à l'infini. Chaque changement de saison apporte un nouveau sens, un nouveau symbolisme. L’émergence d’une presque-symétrie par le dessin d’un arbre avec les bras tendus contribuent à transformer mes peintures de la série ‘Orchard’ en ‘cartes corporelles’ ; mon corps enraciné, grandissant et s'étendant vers le ciel.  Les tiges d'herbe, de roseaux, de vignes dissèquent les horizons lointains forment toutes une maille, comme une étoffe tissée ou peut-être ressemblent-elles à des notes écrites en musique. C'est le pays du 'Grand Ciel', me remplissant d'un sentiment d'espoir et de potentiels inconnus. Ces œuvres de la série ‘Fields & Horizons’ parlent également de la façon dont le courant de la vie soit coupé et traversé par des événements aléatoires et des expériences extraordinaires.

see more of my photographs on my social media pages

and find them in my blog posts and videos

© 2024 all artworks, texts, images and photographs

Jessica Langton

click on a slideshow to move to an enlarged manual version, 

so you can take your time to look at each image and read the text.

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